In the 2020 Aristotle Roadmap we dedicated effort to evaluating the alignment of Aristotle with the latest changes to the ISO/IEC 11179 standard, to ensure alignment of data asset management tools within the Aristotle Metadata Registry. The most recent addition to the ISO standard, is Part 7 “Metamodel for data set registration” was published in December 2019 defines standards for recording Data Assets, Data Set Specifications and Data Provenance.
We are pleased to announce some new features in the latest release of the Aristotle Metadata Registry that continue our alignment with the ISO 11179 standard. The largest new feature in this release is the ability to record data provenence and data lineage to record how data has been transformed. This links can be added to any dataset to record the source of data along with details notes about data transformation.
Information on how to capture data lineage and provenance information in the Aristotle Metadata Registry is now available in our Knowledge Base.
Also in this release are minor user interface improvements to the layout of Datasets and Data Distributions to make these more consistent and modern.
To help new and existing users of Aristotle take advantage of these new features, we have also published our first “User Guide”. This guide gives common examples of how to record data assets, along with live interactive examples for users to explore. These user guides can be downloaded directly from
Lastly, to assist with alignment between have produced a mapping between the ISO/IEC 11179 part 7 and the DCAT (Data Catalog) standards for describing datasets. DCAT is the standard behind the open-data CKAN platform used by many government data platforms such as In a future release, we will be looking using this mapping to produce an Aristotle-to-CKAN API interface that can be used to federate information from Aristotle registries into compatible government data portals.
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